Problem gambling is a continuum. It is not an ideal or realistic means to become rich. Like substance abuse, it is a problem that can be prevented. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize the risk factors of gambling. The main goal of this study is to identify gaps in research and formulate public policies that address the problem. The conceptual model can help researchers identify potential research gaps. Here are some ways to do so:
Problem gambling is a continuum
While all gambling is dangerous, problem gambling is particularly hazardous for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and CALD communities, who are more likely to engage in problematic behavior. Gambling can cause a host of other problems, such as a lack of energy and reduced productivity, and even neglect of one’s health. Problem gamblers struggle to complete daily tasks and get to work on time. They also tend to take sick days and to pursue gambling activities during working hours.
While not all people who gamble will become “problems,” the majority will be impacted by a problem at some point in their lives. Those who become addicted to gambling will experience significant challenges in their relationships and personal lives, including debt and other financial problems. According to the National Council on Problem Gambling, nearly one-third of problem gamblers will suffer from one or more mental health problems. In addition to these consequences, problem gamblers often use their college and retirement savings to fund their gambling habit. These individuals often become deeply in debt and are prone to feelings of hopelessness.
It is not an ideal or realistic way to get rich
If you are a risk-taker, you probably believe that gambling and playing the lottery are a fast and easy way to make money. While winning a scratch-off ticket is not a sure bet to get rich, you could lose a substantial amount of money in the process. The odds of winning the Powerball lottery are one in 292,201,338. And if you do win the lottery, you’ll have to pay taxes on your winnings.
While gambling does have its advantages, it’s not an ideal or realistic way to get rich. Although some people have made millions of dollars through gambling, the odds of winning the jackpot are in the house’s favor. To beat the odds and win big, you must be incredibly lucky. Even if you are extremely lucky, the odds of winning the jackpot are millions-to-one, so the best way to make money gambling is to invest the money instead of gambling it.
It is similar to substance abuse
Despite similarities, the addiction to substance use disorders differs from the disease of gambling. Substance abuse disorders cause brain cells to release dopamine in response to positive experiences such as eating ripe fruit or hugging someone. Gambling, on the other hand, causes the brain to release dopamine in response to negative experiences. Using addictive substances increases dopamine release and inhibits the brain’s natural production of the neurotransmitter serotonin.
Both gambling and substance use disorders run in families. Although a person cannot change her/his family’s genetic makeup, her/his first big win can start a lifetime of problem gambling. Furthermore, individuals of low socioeconomic status may experience more euphoria when winning than those with higher social or economic status. These differences may contribute to the comorbidity of gambling and substance abuse disorders. However, a person suffering from either disorder should consult a health care provider to determine if it is a sign of alcohol or substance use disorders.
It can be prevented
The first step to preventing your gambling addiction is to identify the triggers that make you want to gamble. Make a list of these triggers, and find ways to avoid them. These triggers can include anything from the urge to go to the casino to cashing paychecks. Gambling can have negative consequences on every aspect of your life, including your personal and professional relationships. There are a few methods you can try, too.
The second step is to ensure that a proper NHS system is in place to tackle the problem of gambling. The NHS should support a system that includes specialist regional centres, brief early interventions, and telephone helplines. It is vital to involve family members in the problem of gambling, and raise awareness of the issue among non-specialist staff. In terms of prevention, education is one of the weakest strategies. It should not dominate the discussion of prevention.